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Honorable Speech – Online Course

Regular price $57.00


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Honorable Speech: How to Honor God and Others with Every Word You Speak

An Online Course with Leslie Ludy

As women, we are constantly presented with opportunities to use our words for good or for harm.  How we speak about others, what we post online, and even thoughtless statements we make in the privacy of our homes can all have a profound impact upon her own life and the lives of those around us.  When our words serve an eternal purpose they can be amazing tools to build the Kingdom of God.  When they serve a destructive purpose they can be dangerous tools in the hands of the enemy to wreak havoc on relationships.  In this practical course, Leslie shares principles for truly honoring Christ with every word that we speak, post, and write.  Learn how to avoid dangerous pitfalls like gossip, criticism, negativity, and foreboding, and choose life-giving, God-glorifying speech in every area of your life.

    This course includes:
    Four video sessions (approx. 30 min. each)
    Downloadable study guide
    Bonus Q&A video


    Once purchased, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to instantly access your online course.